Saturday, November 28, 2009

Quilt/Stash Project-2020--Determined Quilter

Quilt/Stash Project-2020--Determined Quilter

Saturday, November 28, 2009....Week 16---Blog 26--Day 107 of 4,014

Quilt/Stash Project-2020--REPORT

Life Happens--AGAIN,,,and thoughts/plans to quilt-quilt-quilt on Thanksgiving and yesterday to finish the "PinkFan/Star" ("Japanese" fabric quilt in the "unfinished" quilt drawer for at least six years) were not possible...just not possible!! The new backing and binding fabric ($6.45) is still in original wrapping--untouched. Well....maybe next week???Yes!! Determined!!



Morning: The Yuzen Dyeing Museum ( where we saw kimonos of handpainted fabric hundreds of years old; and learned the Yuzen stencil dyeing process by hand stenciling a handkerchief with a traditional Japanese pattern. Despite the teacher's frustration with my "dark" non-traditional layering of the paint, I like MY results and stencil-pattern at lot--I will frame the small square of "flowers".

In the super lovely gift shop I bought a red-and- purple fan-and- flowers glasses case--bargain at about $ for the extended future I will have special good reminder of this experience at least 5-10 times a day?

Afternoon: Meeting with a local quilting group for cake-coffee and show and tell. The welcoming-super nice "regular "Japanese quilting ladies made extraordinary--EXTRAORDINARY!! quilts--both in the original designs....and in the quilting skills and techniques--not possible to describe to do them justice.

Well..more of "life happening" today and tomorrow--"Pink Fan/Stars" waiting; next week???

Happy Quilting--Determined Quilter

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