Monday, August 31, 2009...Day 18 of 4,014
Reality---Revisions and Adjustments
Did Julie Powell actually cook/bake every single day for a year??..or.."only" somehow manage to cook/bake 524 Julia Child recipes in 365 days???
Did Julie Powell actually actually blog every single day for a year about her experiences???
At this moment..answer unknown. However, I started the Quilt/Stash Project-2020 expecting?hoping to emulate that dedicated successful experience: quilt at least one hour every day; blog every day.
Now, after two weeks: REALITY...and more modest goals.
Yes!!! complete all quilts on the design boards on August 14, 2009 and in the "unfinished quilt tops' drawer; and...get the fabric stash to zero by 2020.
Now--Reality: quilt consistently-regularly WHEN life allows
yes!!! blog consistently-regularly WHEN life allows
Report on Progress
90 degree brain sizzling/numbing heat over the weekend--so no quilting
I have changed the mane of my "Medieval Cathedral's' quilt to the more accurately descriptive and evocative for me "Barcelona Cathedrals".
Also, reality--no acceptable binding fabric in the stash, so.... maybe $2.50 for a quarter yard of dramatic black fabric for a WOW finish.
Happy Quilting--Determined Quilter
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Quilt/StashProject-2020--Determined QuilterSaturday, August 29,2009
Saturday, August 29,2009.....Day 16 of 4,014
Two weeks of challenge...Four separate Work(S) in Progress
Yes 4---four--- separate challenging projects
1. The Quilt/Stash Project-2020 which is the completing of all quilts now on the design walls and in the "unfinished quilt tops" drawer...and getting the fabric stash to zero; and quilting at least one hour a day.
well...I am not sure if Julie powell really did cook/bake every day for 365 consecutive days in order to complete the 524 recepies in Julia Childs book...however, I have discovered that the "one hour every day" might not be doable because: LIFE HAPPENS.... so at least one hour a day a goal...and making-up for "lost' hours/days by quilting 3-4-5 hours on a single day as compensation...or just pure pleasure.
2. Learning this art of blogging...and writing every day? Again did Julie Powell actually blog every day??? In my two weeks I have also learned that blogging every day is a goal not a possible reality.....again: LIFE HAPPENS.
3.The third demanding challenge has been learning the complexities of using a library computer--well actually a computer of any kind. Amazingly--to me--I have and am doing it!!...more of that later.
4.Finally, learning how to get picutres of my completed quilts on this blogg; today still a dep mystery--and--an interesting challenge.
So Never On Sunday--the/my fates cooperating blogging again on Monday.
Happy Quilting, Determined Quilter
Two weeks of challenge...Four separate Work(S) in Progress
Yes 4---four--- separate challenging projects
1. The Quilt/Stash Project-2020 which is the completing of all quilts now on the design walls and in the "unfinished quilt tops" drawer...and getting the fabric stash to zero; and quilting at least one hour a day.
well...I am not sure if Julie powell really did cook/bake every day for 365 consecutive days in order to complete the 524 recepies in Julia Childs book...however, I have discovered that the "one hour every day" might not be doable because: LIFE HAPPENS.... so at least one hour a day a goal...and making-up for "lost' hours/days by quilting 3-4-5 hours on a single day as compensation...or just pure pleasure.
2. Learning this art of blogging...and writing every day? Again did Julie Powell actually blog every day??? In my two weeks I have also learned that blogging every day is a goal not a possible reality.....again: LIFE HAPPENS.
3.The third demanding challenge has been learning the complexities of using a library computer--well actually a computer of any kind. Amazingly--to me--I have and am doing it!!...more of that later.
4.Finally, learning how to get picutres of my completed quilts on this blogg; today still a dep mystery--and--an interesting challenge.
So Never On Sunday--the/my fates cooperating blogging again on Monday.
Happy Quilting, Determined Quilter
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Quilt/StashProject-2020--Determined Quilter
Thursday,August 26,2009......Day 14 of 4,014
Super productive day yesterday (no blogging) about 6 hours of quilting-- piecing the backing of the "Medival Cathedrals" (28x28) quilt ; the quilt top started and completed in a 2 day class in conjunction with the Sisters, Oregon Outdoor Quilt show in July, 2002. Yes!! SEVEN (7) years ago.
This quilt has dramatic colors of orange-red-black; the very best rewarding/satisfying outcome: I actually used, to the very last-tiny scrap all of the original fabrics..and..most of an additional gorgeous black-orange-red complementary/enhansing fabric from my stash boxes..
Surprisingly,the backing of this quilt is now even more arresting and dramatic that the top-- Yes!! I am good!!!
..and I am accomplishing my goal of using my stash to zero by 2020.
Quilting today!!!!!
Then......a Reality Revelation (of course..of some deep (?) subconscious level I have always known ) some of my unfinished quilt tops cannot be completed from the stash....and..
The reason is simple: there are absolutly no compatible fabrics of any size or amount in the stash.
So now I accept that I must/will have a To-Be-Delayed drawer......for those finished quilt tops that require new fabric (thus new purchases).
As of today, August 26, 2009 thre are 2 quilt tops for the To-Be-Delayed drawer:
1. Sylvia Einstein design--"intersecting" circles ( top completed at Empty Sools Seminars--2008
2. My unnamed "Hawaii" themed top--the original design by Lorraine Torrence (Multi-View Images) completed at Empty Spools Seminars in 2002..oh dear..there is that year 2002 again..
Unfortunate no internet address for Lorraine.....happy search...
Empty Spools
Happy Quilting...
Determined Quilter
Super productive day yesterday (no blogging) about 6 hours of quilting-- piecing the backing of the "Medival Cathedrals" (28x28) quilt ; the quilt top started and completed in a 2 day class in conjunction with the Sisters, Oregon Outdoor Quilt show in July, 2002. Yes!! SEVEN (7) years ago.
This quilt has dramatic colors of orange-red-black; the very best rewarding/satisfying outcome: I actually used, to the very last-tiny scrap all of the original fabrics..and..most of an additional gorgeous black-orange-red complementary/enhansing fabric from my stash boxes..
Surprisingly,the backing of this quilt is now even more arresting and dramatic that the top-- Yes!! I am good!!!
..and I am accomplishing my goal of using my stash to zero by 2020.
Quilting today!!!!!
Then......a Reality Revelation (of course..of some deep (?) subconscious level I have always known ) some of my unfinished quilt tops cannot be completed from the stash....and..
The reason is simple: there are absolutly no compatible fabrics of any size or amount in the stash.
So now I accept that I must/will have a To-Be-Delayed drawer......for those finished quilt tops that require new fabric (thus new purchases).
As of today, August 26, 2009 thre are 2 quilt tops for the To-Be-Delayed drawer:
1. Sylvia Einstein design--"intersecting" circles ( top completed at Empty Sools Seminars--2008
2. My unnamed "Hawaii" themed top--the original design by Lorraine Torrence (Multi-View Images) completed at Empty Spools Seminars in 2002..oh dear..there is that year 2002 again..
Unfortunate no internet address for Lorraine.....happy search...
Empty Spools
Happy Quilting...
Determined Quilter
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Quilt/Stash Project-2020--Determined Quilter
Tuesday, August 24, 2009
12th day of Quilt/Stash Project--2020--Design Wall Progress
When Quilt/Stash Project-2020 and this blog began on August 14, 2009 there were 5 pieces on my design walls (yea..I have 3 separate walls):
...a Reynola Pakusich designed finished quilt top; a Sylvia Einstein inspired finished quilt top;an almost finished (80 plus pieces) backing for a Kaffe Fassett design which I have named "Monet Garden" (Kaffe has other names for his quilts of this design); and two beginning small quilt tops (potential wall hangings) from multiple and diverse fabric scraps left over from other quilts.
Today--August 23, 2009
... off the design walls: 1) Completely completed- "Dotting Circles" my name for the Reynola Pakusich designed wall hanging; 2) the two small 'scrape" quilt tops--one used as the backing for my "Victoria Sunset" quilt now completed, the other put away in an individual work-in-progress plastic envelope and "filed' in a drawer.
...still on design walls: 1) almost finished backing for "Monet Garden"; and 2) unnamed Sylvia Einstein designed quilt. This quilt last quilt is a dilema as there are no suitable, color- right fabrics in my stash. I have "vowed' to myself not to buy new fabric until stash is zero (well?)
So to be considered-resolved-- the question: buy--not buy new fabric?, even with carefully measuring for sure to create more stash.
Fortunately, that question can be deliberated and postponed for another day.
Reference: Reynola Pakusich:
Sylvia Einstein:
Kaffe Fassett:
Happy Quilting--Determined Quilter
12th day of Quilt/Stash Project--2020--Design Wall Progress
When Quilt/Stash Project-2020 and this blog began on August 14, 2009 there were 5 pieces on my design walls (yea..I have 3 separate walls):
...a Reynola Pakusich designed finished quilt top; a Sylvia Einstein inspired finished quilt top;an almost finished (80 plus pieces) backing for a Kaffe Fassett design which I have named "Monet Garden" (Kaffe has other names for his quilts of this design); and two beginning small quilt tops (potential wall hangings) from multiple and diverse fabric scraps left over from other quilts.
Today--August 23, 2009
... off the design walls: 1) Completely completed- "Dotting Circles" my name for the Reynola Pakusich designed wall hanging; 2) the two small 'scrape" quilt tops--one used as the backing for my "Victoria Sunset" quilt now completed, the other put away in an individual work-in-progress plastic envelope and "filed' in a drawer.
...still on design walls: 1) almost finished backing for "Monet Garden"; and 2) unnamed Sylvia Einstein designed quilt. This quilt last quilt is a dilema as there are no suitable, color- right fabrics in my stash. I have "vowed' to myself not to buy new fabric until stash is zero (well?)
So to be considered-resolved-- the question: buy--not buy new fabric?, even with carefully measuring for sure to create more stash.
Fortunately, that question can be deliberated and postponed for another day.
Reference: Reynola Pakusich:
Sylvia Einstein:
Kaffe Fassett:
Happy Quilting--Determined Quilter
Monday, August 24, 2009
Quilt/StashProject-2020--Determined Quilter
Monday,August 23,2009
This blog:Quilt/StashProject-2020 was started on Friday, August 14,2009
This is the 11th day REPORT
Productive weekend August 21 and 22...about 5 hours of quilting...
"HappyCircles": Determined Quilter design (18x25) from "unfinished quilt tops" drawer COMPLETED!!!!! it looks GOOD!!!
also from the "unfinished quilt tops" drawer--Determined Quilter design (22x17) "VICTORIA
SUNSET"named for the fabric bought in a Victoria, British Columbia, Canada quilt store on a trip by County HeritageTours to the Seattle quilt show in 2006.
( See: Binding on "Victoria Sunset" to be completed today.
Then... be worked on today---.another quilt top from the "unfinished quilt
tops" drawer that I am naming:"Medival Cathedrals" (28x28) This from a 2 day quilting class in conjunction with the Sisters, Oregon quilt show in 2002..yes--%$%^%$#& 2002....oh dear!!..
Unfortuantely, the original design name, designer name and teacher's name lost from my records.... the top is interesting, complicated, time consuming piecing...and the baccking with left-over fabric is a colors: vibrant orange-red-black.. yes..again I hope to manage pictures soon.
Not to be missed: the July 10, 2010 Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show--in dramatically beautiful Sisters, Oregon ( I have been now four inspiring, happy if crowded experience..get lodging reservations well in advance.
O.K. all up-to-date....Happy Quilting....Determined Quilter
This blog:Quilt/StashProject-2020 was started on Friday, August 14,2009
This is the 11th day REPORT
Productive weekend August 21 and 22...about 5 hours of quilting...
"HappyCircles": Determined Quilter design (18x25) from "unfinished quilt tops" drawer COMPLETED!!!!! it looks GOOD!!!
also from the "unfinished quilt tops" drawer--Determined Quilter design (22x17) "VICTORIA
SUNSET"named for the fabric bought in a Victoria, British Columbia, Canada quilt store on a trip by County HeritageTours to the Seattle quilt show in 2006.
( See: Binding on "Victoria Sunset" to be completed today.
Then... be worked on today---.another quilt top from the "unfinished quilt
tops" drawer that I am naming:"Medival Cathedrals" (28x28) This from a 2 day quilting class in conjunction with the Sisters, Oregon quilt show in 2002..yes--%$%^%$#& 2002....oh dear!!..
Unfortuantely, the original design name, designer name and teacher's name lost from my records.... the top is interesting, complicated, time consuming piecing...and the baccking with left-over fabric is a colors: vibrant orange-red-black.. yes..again I hope to manage pictures soon.
Not to be missed: the July 10, 2010 Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show--in dramatically beautiful Sisters, Oregon ( I have been now four inspiring, happy if crowded experience..get lodging reservations well in advance.
O.K. all up-to-date....Happy Quilting....Determined Quilter
Friday, August 21, 2009
Quilt/StashProject-2020--Determined Quilter
Day 8-August 21,2009
Yes!!! now today..this project is moving again.
Accomplished yesterday: Happy Circles--Determined Quilter Design quilting completed the binding....
Also accomplished yesterday: backing designed for another 16x22 quilt top from the "unfinished quilt tops" drawer....another small wall haning using the scrapes from the Sandy Bonsib, "Carmel Sunday Quilt"
I hope to have all three quilts pircuted ion this blogg next week...
I am working on including picutres of this completed!!!..stash fabric used quilts. the design board..maybe by Monday??? the many pieced backing of a Kaffe Fassett design.....started in a 2 day workshop with Kaffe in Hawaii-February, 2009
More about that adventure next week..
Progress posted tomorrow--Happy Weekend
Determined Quilter.
Yes!!! now today..this project is moving again.
Accomplished yesterday: Happy Circles--Determined Quilter Design quilting completed the binding....
Also accomplished yesterday: backing designed for another 16x22 quilt top from the "unfinished quilt tops" drawer....another small wall haning using the scrapes from the Sandy Bonsib, "Carmel Sunday Quilt"
I hope to have all three quilts pircuted ion this blogg next week...
I am working on including picutres of this completed!!!..stash fabric used quilts. the design board..maybe by Monday??? the many pieced backing of a Kaffe Fassett design.....started in a 2 day workshop with Kaffe in Hawaii-February, 2009
More about that adventure next week..
Progress posted tomorrow--Happy Weekend
Determined Quilter.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Quilt/StashProject-2020...Determined Quilter
Day 7--August 20,2009
The challenege...
Complete all unfinished quilt tops.....get stash to zero
Quilt at least one hour per day..until year 2020..or until mission accomplished.
"the best laid plans" ????? well famous quote from somewhere....someone...
Tuesday-Wednesday August 18-19 unexpectedly not available for my quilting project/challenge because friend needing my assistance with surgery....
...Happy Circles: Determined Quilter design...18x25 top from 'unfinished quilt tops" drawer.
Accomplished piecing backing on Monday -August 17 using fabric from stash......
( fabric left over from Sandy Bonsib--"Carmel Sunday Quilt"-"Quilters Desserts" series..Empty
Spools Seminars-Asilomar--March 2007)
Sandy Bonsib:
Empty Spools
Goal for today: quilting...and binding???
4008 days/hours to go...I am working on providing pictures of finished quilts..
I have been quilting since 1996---amazingly I have quilts in Japan, Finland,Sweden, Denmark, from quilters all over the world WELCOME!!!
HAPPY QUILTING--Determined Quilter
Happy quilting
The challenege...
Complete all unfinished quilt tops.....get stash to zero
Quilt at least one hour per day..until year 2020..or until mission accomplished.
"the best laid plans" ????? well famous quote from somewhere....someone...
Tuesday-Wednesday August 18-19 unexpectedly not available for my quilting project/challenge because friend needing my assistance with surgery....
...Happy Circles: Determined Quilter design...18x25 top from 'unfinished quilt tops" drawer.
Accomplished piecing backing on Monday -August 17 using fabric from stash......
( fabric left over from Sandy Bonsib--"Carmel Sunday Quilt"-"Quilters Desserts" series..Empty
Spools Seminars-Asilomar--March 2007)
Sandy Bonsib:
Empty Spools
Goal for today: quilting...and binding???
4008 days/hours to go...I am working on providing pictures of finished quilts..
I have been quilting since 1996---amazingly I have quilts in Japan, Finland,Sweden, Denmark, from quilters all over the world WELCOME!!!
HAPPY QUILTING--Determined Quilter
Happy quilting
Monday, August 17, 2009
Day3-Day4-August 16-17,2009Determined Quilter
Day 3-Sunday...Day 4 Monday...REPORT
"Overlapping Circles" (23x19 wall hanging)
Design by Reynola Pakusich (
(started-March-2009--Empty Spools Seminars-Asilomar-Pacific Grove,California)
ONE off of the design wall!!!
Next on the design wall: Sylvia H.Einstein design--a version of "Scenic Road to California"
Empty Spools Seminars-Asilomar..April, 2008
Sylvia Einstein:
using Louisa Smith templates...(more about Louisa later)
and NOT TODAY......
TODAY from the "unfinished quilt tops" drawer...
an original design by DETERMINED QUILTER..18X25.."Happy Circles" in blue and vibrant pink/purple.....(Yes!!! I hope to present pictures soon)
this quilt needs backing ..quilting..binding..
"Overlapping Circles" (23x19 wall hanging)
Design by Reynola Pakusich (
(started-March-2009--Empty Spools Seminars-Asilomar-Pacific Grove,California)
ONE off of the design wall!!!
Next on the design wall: Sylvia H.Einstein design--a version of "Scenic Road to California"
Empty Spools Seminars-Asilomar..April, 2008
Sylvia Einstein:
using Louisa Smith templates...(more about Louisa later)
and NOT TODAY......
TODAY from the "unfinished quilt tops" drawer...
an original design by DETERMINED QUILTER..18X25.."Happy Circles" in blue and vibrant pink/purple.....(Yes!!! I hope to present pictures soon)
this quilt needs backing ..quilting..binding..
Saturday, August 15, 2009
DAY 2-August 15,2009
Day 2--- REPORT..
WOW...I did it !! !!
I actually created a blog.......
Report--Day 2......
"OVERLAPPING CIRCLES"... (Reynola Pakusich is off the design quilted....and I am now binding... one almost completed..4 more to go..
Setting priorities.........
Quilts off design wall and completed.....
Quilt tops in drawer completed...
Quilt blocks in boxes...completed..
Fabric stash pieced/quilted to zero..
4,013 days to go
all comments welcome
Determined Quilter
WOW...I did it !! !!
I actually created a blog.......
Report--Day 2......
"OVERLAPPING CIRCLES"... (Reynola Pakusich is off the design quilted....and I am now binding... one almost completed..4 more to go..
Setting priorities.........
Quilts off design wall and completed.....
Quilt tops in drawer completed...
Quilt blocks in boxes...completed..
Fabric stash pieced/quilted to zero..
4,013 days to go
all comments welcome
Determined Quilter
Friday, August 14, 2009
Getting Started-August14,2009
Getting Started it begins.........
Quilt/Stash Project-2000....and this blog..
On August 9,2009 I saw the movie."Julie and Julia"with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams,relating the true life stories of cooking legend Julia Childes and Julie Powell. Powell is in an almost-thirty-and-have-done-nothing-with-my-life meltdown and decides to make all 524 recipes in Child's famous book on French cooking within one year (365 days) write a daily blog report on her experiences.
My "crisis' is not a personal angst..rather it is the stash of perfectly good left over fabric from 13 years of quilting...and what to do with it--and...unfinished quilts now numbering about 15.
Following the Powell model/inspiration I have decided to commit to at least one (1) hour of "quilting" every day until that stash is zero.....and all unfinished quilts are is August 1, 2020........
..and to report my progress and adventures daily (except Sundays) in this blog.
Currently, I have on my design walls five quilt tops almost completed..and now almost ready for backing and quilting; at least ten various size wall hangings in a drawer all needing backing and quilting; and on the studio floor nine 15 x 15 patches--the unfinished quilt top of a Lorraine Torrence design started at the week long Empty Spools Seminars-Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California in March 2002..yes!!! 2002.
...and, of course, the boxes and drawers of fabric...
Obviously..this unfinished quilts..and fabric stash 'crisis' deserves and needs attention...however long it takes to complete.
In addition, i will write about my experiences with over 20 exceptional and gifted teachers...and my quilt tour/quilt show adventures..
So..Day 1--Friday, August 14,2009
Today I have completed piecing the backing of a small 19x23 inch design by Reynola Pakusich, "overlapping Circles" (Empty spools Seminars-Asilomar, Pacific Grove California-March-2009) and will begin the machine quilting.
Reynola's sample quilt is flowers and a geometric pattern..mine is dotty fabrics in maroon-purple-blue.
(I hope to have pictures posted here soon.)
To see Reynola's work:
For Empty spools Seminars:
Yes!!!at least 1 hour a day!!! (4,014 days to go)
and..of course all comments welcome
Determined Quilter it begins.........
Quilt/Stash Project-2000....and this blog..
On August 9,2009 I saw the movie."Julie and Julia"with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams,relating the true life stories of cooking legend Julia Childes and Julie Powell. Powell is in an almost-thirty-and-have-done-nothing-with-my-life meltdown and decides to make all 524 recipes in Child's famous book on French cooking within one year (365 days) write a daily blog report on her experiences.
My "crisis' is not a personal angst..rather it is the stash of perfectly good left over fabric from 13 years of quilting...and what to do with it--and...unfinished quilts now numbering about 15.
Following the Powell model/inspiration I have decided to commit to at least one (1) hour of "quilting" every day until that stash is zero.....and all unfinished quilts are is August 1, 2020........
..and to report my progress and adventures daily (except Sundays) in this blog.
Currently, I have on my design walls five quilt tops almost completed..and now almost ready for backing and quilting; at least ten various size wall hangings in a drawer all needing backing and quilting; and on the studio floor nine 15 x 15 patches--the unfinished quilt top of a Lorraine Torrence design started at the week long Empty Spools Seminars-Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California in March 2002..yes!!! 2002.
...and, of course, the boxes and drawers of fabric...
Obviously..this unfinished quilts..and fabric stash 'crisis' deserves and needs attention...however long it takes to complete.
In addition, i will write about my experiences with over 20 exceptional and gifted teachers...and my quilt tour/quilt show adventures..
So..Day 1--Friday, August 14,2009
Today I have completed piecing the backing of a small 19x23 inch design by Reynola Pakusich, "overlapping Circles" (Empty spools Seminars-Asilomar, Pacific Grove California-March-2009) and will begin the machine quilting.
Reynola's sample quilt is flowers and a geometric pattern..mine is dotty fabrics in maroon-purple-blue.
(I hope to have pictures posted here soon.)
To see Reynola's work:
For Empty spools Seminars:
Yes!!!at least 1 hour a day!!! (4,014 days to go)
and..of course all comments welcome
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Determined Quilter
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