Saturday, August 29, 2009

Quilt/StashProject-2020--Determined QuilterSaturday, August 29,2009

Saturday, August 29,2009.....Day 16 of 4,014

Two weeks of challenge...Four separate Work(S) in Progress

Yes 4---four--- separate challenging projects

1. The Quilt/Stash Project-2020 which is the completing of all quilts now on the design walls and in the "unfinished quilt tops" drawer...and getting the fabric stash to zero; and quilting at least one hour a day.

well...I am not sure if Julie powell really did cook/bake every day for 365 consecutive days in order to complete the 524 recepies in Julia Childs book...however, I have discovered that the "one hour every day" might not be doable because: LIFE HAPPENS.... so at least one hour a day a goal...and making-up for "lost' hours/days by quilting 3-4-5 hours on a single day as compensation...or just pure pleasure.

2. Learning this art of blogging...and writing every day? Again did Julie Powell actually blog every day??? In my two weeks I have also learned that blogging every day is a goal not a possible reality.....again: LIFE HAPPENS.

3.The third demanding challenge has been learning the complexities of using a library computer--well actually a computer of any kind. Amazingly--to me--I have and am doing it!!...more of that later.

4.Finally, learning how to get picutres of my completed quilts on this blogg; today still a dep mystery--and--an interesting challenge.

So Never On Sunday--the/my fates cooperating blogging again on Monday.

Happy Quilting, Determined Quilter

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